Independent Travel

While independent travel can be the most fulfilling type of travel, it can also be the most tedious to plan.  If you’re looking to travel abroad on your own, let us help you bring your plans together.

Our personalized independent travel planning services will:

  • Help you choose and book your airfare.
  • Design your daily itineraries abroad.
  • Choose and book lodging accommodations.
  • Plan daily excursions (group, private, or independent)
  • Research dining options and make reservations.
  • Arrange local transit options and book passes and fares.
  • Book train or mid-trip air travel to get you to the next city on your route.

Our agents have personally visited many North American, South American, and European cities, and we’ve experienced first hand the trials and struggles of independent travel.  We can help you take the stress out of planning and make your adventure that much more stress free.

Due to the often complicated and time consuming nature of planning independent or custom travel packages, and the fact that many of the products associated with this type of travel doesn’t pay us commission, we may charge planning fees for this type of package.  This fee will always be discussed up front.

Independent Travel Fee Schedule:

Airfare: $25 per passenger (covers entire trip)
Train Tickets: $10 per passenger (covers entire trip)
Local Transit Passes or Travel Cards: $5 per passenger (per location)
Hotels: No charge
Apartments, Guesthouses, or Homestays: $25 per property